Welcome to our life on the Farm. Hope you enjoy catching up with all our Family's happenings, our Kids & Grand kids.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Gathering of the Clans

On Sun 17th May we had the great joy of celebrating the Baptism of our 2 dear little boys, Jack & Toby. It was a great day to celebrate with the Excell, Olsen & Heinrich Families. Kara's parents, Marg & Andy Olsen travelled from Qld & so did brother Richard, Sally & children Thomson & Ruby. Nana & Pa Altus were able to come along as well. It was good to have Nana out to join in on the celebrations.

Pastor Thomas with the proud parents & Aunty Jenni, Jack's god mother.

Afterwards at the Playground in Mundulla. Uncle Simon making sure they all get equal time on the see-saw. The boys (Josh & Ryan) against the girls (Jacqui & Holly)

Aunty Sal, Ruby & Thomson trying out the little slide

Nana Marg, Aunty Carolyn & Pa Andy taking in the scene & catching up with family news.

Two of the proudest Pa's with their little men

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