Welcome to our life on the Farm. Hope you enjoy catching up with all our Family's happenings, our Kids & Grand kids.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Our Visit to Sydney

We don't need a much of a reason to visit Relle, Sami & La, but the one we found was quite a good one. And that was to attend Travis & Millie's wedding. Relle has posted on her blog many photos on our visit & I will include a few more of the happenings. We had a wonderful time with the grand kids & their mum's & dad's. Thanks for having us Relle & Sami.

The gorgeous couple ..............Trav & Millie


After the ceremony and afternoon tea, the children came back with Ma ma & Pa to discover some of La la's toys & the cubby house in the back yard.

This is pretty good hey, Jack! (wonder if Dad & Pa will build us one?)

This is my type of house...... yay!!!

We got to visit Uncle Sami at his fire station & even better we got to crawl all over his fire truck & play with the big hoses. Gee...... this is a tough job for a tough fella isn't it Uncle Sami?

Uncle Sami and his off siders

A music lesson from the master. Jack watching very intently to get it right!

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